Monday, March 23, 2015


I love crackers! And taking them from my owner, running off and eating them in the corner. The dog (black mountain, real name Shadow) cleans up the crumbs.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Change over to me, the BIDIBID!!

I now onw bog! up, I dooo. I will make it better in a flash( like in the above photo)

Ears For Now !!!!!
The Bidi Bun

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

bunnies and music

I've been playing music to Bidi. She listened to all of the ones I played her, but I don't know what she thought of most of the time.
I thought of it because of her interest in my whistling.
this one she ran round all the chairs.

Listened, oh and chewed things. ran went between chairs.

listened,ignored  chewed, played on laptop, let me pet her for a few seconds.

03 The Gardener, Op. 17, No. 3 - Brahms. listened , with one ear

Almost went to sleep. is that a good or bad thing.

ravel bolero; appeared indifferent.

We tried others. Some made her bad, others made her good

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bidibid's house and new toys

 Today I decided to make Bidi some toys.

 First I made a mat. here is the link to the pattern.
It didn't turn out like the one on the website as I had to use paper.
Bidibid is naughty agian

Then two cardboard balls.

Then Mum got out her laptop(which needs a cord).We where going to put her away, but I made her a run away from the cables instead. 


Bidibid is a naughty little bun whom we rescued from a stoat.

Here are some photos of the bad little girl: